
Artist and year

Kari Huhtamo, 1997.


Collection of the Kari Huhtamo Art Foundation

Technology, Materials and Size

Steel, 102 cm x 96 cm x 212 cm 


Julia is a three-dimensional drawing made in space. Due to its material, a thin and shining steel tube, it seems ethereal at times. It seems to change its shape when you approach it from varying directions. However, a closer look reveals that, characteristically to Kari Huhtamo, Julia is both symmetrical and frontal, meant to be viewed frontally. Its two wing-like shapes delineated by floating arcs are identical, and the v-angle on top of the body makes them mirror each other closely.

The title highlights the reference to a winged female figure, maybe an angel. It is one of the few works by Kari Huhtamo based on classical sculpture: The Nike of Samothrace, an allegory of victory, carved by Greek sculptor Pythocritus about 2200 years ago.
